It was a dark and blustery day…
Dave finally had a chance to try surfing. “Try” is the key word. Try and try again. After a quick lesson in the Cronulla beach rock pool, we headed out to sea. I thought the hard part would be trying to stand up on the board. As it turns out the hard part was getting “out to sea”. Today was very windy and overcast – too cold for the kids to swim and cold enough for a wet suit. The wind stirred up the current and whipped up the waves so they were coming from all directions. By the time I’d get the board out far enough to catch a wave, I’d be panting so hard I have to wait and rest. Once I caught my breath I’d look for a decent wave – not too big, not too small and at just the right time. Needless to say I didn’t have much success. My best run was my last when I finally caught Baby Bambi and stood up about 20 feet from shore and “iced” it! The whole lesson felt like 10 hours but it was only 2! I think I’ll sleep well tonight.
Afterwards we went to the Royal National Park to an area called Wattamolla. We attempted to enjoy the rock climbing next to the ocean but a psychotic six year old who has no sense of fear thought it would be fun to run ahead of his family at every chance. We enjoy the National Parks so much we bought an annual pass.